#1901 "Sitting Bull with Children" Greeting Card

on the inside left, right side is blank:

Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull) was a great leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota. He was respected for his courage, wisdom and dedication to his people. While negotiating a treaty with the U.S. Government he said everyone should stop warring and make peace; then we could put our minds together to make a future for our children. This painting reflects the spirit of Tatanka Iyotake's wisdom.

"mitakuye oyasin!"

(We are all Relatives)

5" x 7" Greeting Card • $2.75

Matted Print of Sitting Bull with Children

#1901 "Sitting Bull with Children" Matted Print

The 5" x 7" image is mounted in a double 8" x 10" mat and fits a standard frame.
Buy assorted pictures for a beautiful wall grouping.
A great gift idea

8" x 10" Matted Print • $10.00


Wintercount Watermark does not appear on purchased print.